Matching skills: A new Cedefop information tool

Cedefop presented its new database of inspirational policies for anticipating and matching skill needs.

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) has published an information tool on education and training and labour market policy instruments. The aim of these policies is to reveal how individuals’ skills – including job seekers and students – match to today’s job market and the future of work. As it focuses on the 28 European Union (EU) member states, Switzerland is not covered. The tool gives an overview on 126 policies that support matching jobseekers’ skills to current labour market demands and 31 policies matching skills for the future of work.

The database is structured by focus area (current or anticipated skills need), policy area (e.g. adult education), aim of policy instrument (e.g. upskill employed adults), use of labour market intelligence (e.g. design standards and accreditations) and stakeholders (e.g. research centres and universities). The tool provides information on practical organisation, funding and stakeholder involvement. Additionally, it assesses how innovative and successful a policy instrument is and whether it could be applied elsewhere.

This tool can be seen as a part of skills matching branch of Cedefop’s European Skills Index that provides a snapshot of the performance of an EU member state’s skills system. Relating to vocational education and training (VET), Cedefop has published on 23 January 2019 the results of its European public opinion survey on VET country reports. These reports have been prepared for the 28 EU member states, Switzerland is not covered. More than 35’000 people aged 15 or older have participated in face-to-face interviews to give their opinions.