Welcome Laurin Reding, our new Education Advisor

It is a pleasure to announce that Laurin Reding will join SwissCore on 1 November, covering European education, training and youth policies and programmes.

Laurin currently works as Project Coordinator for the Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ at Movetia, the Swiss national agency for exchange and mobility in education. He is well-versed in EU youth policies, key education topics on EU level as well as the Erasmus+ programme. Previously, Laurin acquired a background in diplomacy, working as an Economic Officer at the Swiss Embassy in the United Kingdom and as an academic trainee at the Swiss Mission to the United Nations in New York, among others. He studied international relations in Geneva and London as well as Arabic in the Middle East.

Laurin looks forward to his new role as European Advisor for Education at SwissCore, aiming to foster sustainable knowledge exchanges and to build and maintain bridges between the Swiss and EU education, training, and youth communities.

Laurin Reding succeeds Rahel Gruber, who left SwissCore at the end of this August (see SwissCore article) and Lucia Leoni, who is currently our European Advisor for Education ad interim. Lucia will support Laurin’s start until the end of this autumn.

The SwissCore team is very much looking forward to welcoming Laurin in Brussels this November.